Cars, and my empty wallet
So here I am at home on a Sunday, about to leave to go help at Shoreline. I just got back from Kwik Kar for an oil change and to get a little more freon for the AC. That thing blows nothing but hot air. It could be 47 outside and my AC is blowing 96. Yuck, that means sweat come summer time. What I found out is that my little freon tank holds 28 ounces of refridgerant. It had 3. So now they think there's a leak, blah blah blah, charge William too much money, blah blah blah. All in all it cost me 200 buckos, and I gotta go back in a couple of days cause they put this dye stuff in there so they can try to trace a potential leak. What a beating. But I love the Saab, highly recommend you get one. Not you Carlie, there's way too many horsies under the hood for a wild girl such as yourself. Maybe stick with a Jeep Wrangler. Very cool. That's all for now, Ciao.